Welcome to Somerville Maine
NEW OFFICE HOURS (effective 10/7) - until further notice
The Town Office will be open on Mondays from 9am-2pm &
Wednesdays from 1:30-6pm
Thank you for your continued patience
*Absentee Ballots are available until 10/30/2024, then Special Circumstances only*
Election Day Tuesday 11/5/2024, 8am-8pm, Town Office
The following positions are available, to apply, please click here:
(Applications will be accepted until position is filled.)
Clerk - Job description here
Tax Collector - Job description here
November 7, 2024- Planning Board Meeting, 6:00PM, Somerville School Gym
November 13, 2024-Special Select Board Meeting(entirely in executive session) 6:00pm
November 20, 2024-Select Board Meeting, 6:00PM, Town Office
*Monday November 11, 2024, in observance of Veterans' Day