Transfer Station
Tri-County Solid Waste Management Organization (TCSWO)
Tri-County Solid Waste Management Organization (TCSWO)
Tri-County Solid Waste Management Organization (TCSWO) provides waste disposal and recycling services for the town of Somerville.
Garbage must be in TCSWO (32 gallon) green disposal bags which can be purchased for $2.00 at the Town office or directly at the transfer station.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
8:00 a.m. - 4:20 p.m.
Closed holidays.
Phone number: (207) 785-2261
Location: 3368 Heald Highway, Union, ME 04862
Somerville's representatives to the Tri-County Solid Waste Organization are:
Elaine Porter
Gordon Thebeau
To leave them a message, please call the Town Office at 207-549-3828