Sheepscot Valley RSU 12
Somerville is a proud member of the schools below.
Following the reorganization of Maine schools in 2009, the Somerville primary school was closed, and Somerville became part of Sheepscot Valley Regional School Unit 12 (SVRSU 12). The Superintendent's office is now housed in the former Somerville school, at 665 Patricktown Rd, which also offers Pre-K and Adult Ed programs.
RSU 12 is partnering with Head Start to offer a free, high quality, Pre-K program to Somerville children who turn 4 by October 15. Bus transportation is provided. The program operates Mon-Fri throughout the school year. Meals are served and a short rest period will be included. All families are encouraged to apply. For more information or to receive an application, call 549-3261.
Somerville elementary students attend:
Windsor Elementary School, Windsor, Maine (RSU 12).
If Somerville students wish to enroll in a different school, they must apply for a Superintendent's Agreement through RSU 12 Howard Tuttle. Some other area schools with Somerville students are:
Prescott Elementary School, Washington, Maine (RSU 40)
Jefferson Village School, Jefferson, Maine (AOS 93).
Secondary students have their choice among a number of area schools, including:
Cony High School in Augusta
Erskine Academy in South China
Hall-Dale in Farmingdale
Lincoln Academy in Newcastle
Medomak Valley High School in Waldoboro
Watershed School in Camden
Public Computer Access is now available at the Somerville Elementary School. The public is welcome to use the computer in the conference room during the day when the room is not otherwise in use and the school is open (typically 7:30-3:30 Monday through Friday). Please call ahead (549-3261) to make sure it is available. You can also check on the website here to view the calendar for the conference room.
Board of Directors
Somerville has two members on the RSU 12 School Board of Directors, who serve three year terms. Current board members are: Russell Gates & Deborah Myers.